My Go-To Tool For Getting Back On Track


We are five months into 2020 and I’m not sure this is what anyone was expecting it to look like, amirite? 

As I wrote a bit about earlier this month to my email list (what, you’re not on my list yet? Go get on it- I’ll wait here…), I’ve been feeling the ick-factor of too many weeks off my routines, of loosening my expectations of myself and operating in what I think of as “vacation mode” which, as it turns out, stops feeling like much of a treat once it tips over into “new normal.”

I’ve been craving some structure and better habits, so I turned to my favorite go-to tool for getting back on track in a manageable, sustainable way.

I call it the “Start, Stop, Continue” and it’s deceptively simple while also being super effective. Win-win!

Here’s how it works:

1. Start.

Start doing something. Something that empowers you or is a first step down a path you want to follow toward a goal. Something that challenges you or changes you. 

This something does not have to be big.

Incremental changes are often the most effective.

It’s the little things that we do on a consistent basis that lead to the big changes.

Keep it simple, small, and specific.


  • Start drinking eight 8oz glasses of water per day.

  • Start exercising twice per week for 20 minutes each time. 

My “start” this month is to get more sleep, so I’m going to bed 20 minutes earlier each night.

2. Stop.

Stop doing something. This is the counterpoint to “start”— think about your habits and choose to stop one that is not serving you.

Just like your “start” be sure to keep this simple, small, and specific.


  • Stop drinking so much soda- one less soda per day.

  • Stop making negative comments about your body.

My “stop” for this month to stop putting so much pressure on myself to constantly be working and to schedule more time for play.

3. Continue.

Continue doing something. Find one thing that you're doing well, something that is empowering and beneficial to your life, and commit to continue doing it. 

This might be my favorite step— I love it! Wanna know why? It forces you to own your WINS!

That’s right— you have to acknowledge something that you’re doing WELL so that you can keep on doing it! This is seriously powerful stuff.

You are in the habit of doing something you’re proud of, so pick one and celebrate it by committing to keep it up!


  • Continue taking your dog for a 3 mile walk each day.

  • Continue eating a veggie-laden salad with your dinner each night.

My “continue” this month is working out, eating clean, and watching my words. (Note: if "watching my words" sounds like I’m spending time playing Scrabble, contact me and I'll send you the email “Watch Your Words”!  It's a game changer. Just sayin’.)

Begin each week with a fresh "Start, Stop, Continue" and let the momentum they create take you to new places.

It really is the small things done with constancy that lead to the big results.

Stay happy and healthy out there. Thank you for showing and being who you are. 

We're always stronger together.